How Unific Works

Historical Data Sync

Upon connection to Unific only live data is synced, for past data a historical data sync will need to be requested

On the Free plan, Unific will sync up to 30 days of historical orders. To sync more orders refer to Unific's pricing page for pricing on Historical Data sync.

The Historical Data Sync process will import all Orders, Contacts, and Products from your store into Hubspot.

  1. Request a historical data sync
  2. Frequently asked questions
  3. How long will a historical data sync take?
  4. Understanding Historical Jobs in Data Integration with Unific

Request a historical data sync:

  1. Sign up for Unific if you don't have an account already at
  2. Connect your Cart:
    1. Magento
    2. Shopify
    3. WooCommerce
    4. BigCommerce
  3. Connect your Marketing Platform:
    1. Hubspot
  4. Disable any workflow that may be impacted contacts or deals creating and updating within your portal: Instructions
  5. Fill out this form: (make sure to use the email address you signed up for Unific with)

Frequently Asked Questions about uploading data into HubSpot

  1. What if the HubSpot portal already has orders from another integration?
    1. Strategy 1: Delete the old deals to let Unific’s process create replacement orders, avoiding property confusion from other integrations.
    2. Strategy: Keep existing deals if they contain engagements like phone call recordings or notes since those will be on the old deals 
  2. How long does the historical job take?
    1. See section below
  3. Does historical the process re-calculate RFM Data in HubSpot?
    1. Yes, it updates Recency, Frequency, Monetary (RFM) Data on HubSpot contact records.
  4. Can I request historical for data that starts on a specific date?
    1. This is possible for Shopify and WooCommerce
  5. Can I request historical for data between specific dates?
    1. This is possible for Shopify and WooCommerce

How long does the historical job take?

There are many factors that go into the calculation of how long a historical data sync will take, so it is difficult to predict. Each one is discussed below.
    1. API Rate Limits
    2. Number of line items in the average order
    3. Total number of historical entities like products, product variants, customers, and orders
    4. Total number of new customers, abandoned carts or new orders created per month

API Rate Limits

An API rate limit is a restriction imposed by a web service or API provider on the number of requests that can be made by a user or an application in a given period of time. This limit is usually put in place to ensure the smooth operation and reliability of the service, and to prevent abuse or overload of the system.

The rate limit typically specifies the maximum number of requests that can be made within a specific time window, such as per second, per minute, per hour, or per day. If a user or application exceeds the rate limit, the service may respond with an error message or temporarily block further requests until the limit is reset.

Every platform Unific integrates with have rate limits and depending on the load at any given time Unific will manage the rate limits automatically using waiting and retries.

This adds variability to estimate the time a historical will take.

Number of line items in the average order

The more line items an order has, the more API calls are required to create the line items and associate those line items to deals. If the average order has a large number of line items it will take longer for the order to sync. For example, our B2B customers can sometimes have hundreds of line items per order. API rate limits are easily reached when there are lots of line items.

Total number of historical entities like products, product variants, customers, and orders

The more entities the store has, the longer the historical sync will take.

Total number of new customers, abandoned carts or new orders created per month

Live syncing data will conflict with the histoircal data when it comes to API Rate limits. The more active your store is, the longer historical data sync will take. 

High-level estimates

As the number of orders goes up, the less accurate the following estimates are: 

10,000 orders - 4 days
50,000 orders - 1 week
100,000 orders - 2 weeks
200,000 orders - 1 month

More than 200,000 orders - please contact our Sales team.

Magento only: For Magento, High historical numbers require a file-based historical which may go faster. Please contact our Sales team.

These are conservative estimates. The historical sync may take longer or less time depending on the factors above.


Understanding Historical Jobs in Data Integration with Unific

Historical data plays a crucial role in data-driven marketing and personalization by automating the process of pulling existing data from your shopping cart into Unific, which can then upload the historical data to a destination, such as HubSpot. This enables businesses to understand their customers better and take automated or manual actions based on the customer’s previous buying behavior.

What is a Historical Job?

A Historical Job is a one-time process usually initiated during the onboarding phase with Unific, although it may need to be repeated in certain scenarios to fill in data gaps. Its primary function is to migrate existing data from your e-commerce platform into Unific, and from there, potentially into another platform like HubSpot.

Types of Historical Jobs

  1. Download and Upload: Downloads data from your shopping cart and uploads it into another platform, like HubSpot.
  2. Download Only: Downloads data from your shopping cart into Unific without uploading it to another platform.
  3. Upload Only: Uploads data into another platform without needing to download it from your shopping cart.

Type 1: Download and Upload to HubSpot

This process entails downloading data from your shopping cart and uploading it to HubSpot. Before starting this process, it is advisable to adjust your HubSpot workflows to prevent sending communications for old data, such as post-purchase emails, by setting specific trigger criteria (e.g., "Last Order Date" was less than 3 days ago).

Key Features

  1. Orders and Customers: Imports orders and customers into your HubSpot portal, creating new deals for each order and updating existing contacts with data from your shopping cart.
  2. Products and Variants: Creates new products in HubSpot for every product and variant in your store, acknowledging that HubSpot does not support variants directly.

Type 2: Download from Your Cart Option:

  1. Ideal for analytics and customer segmentation when there’s no destination CRM like HubSpot.

Type 3: Upload Only Option:

Useful for re-importing data into HubSpot or another platform if Unific already holds your historical data, significantly speeding up the process.


This guide aims to help you understand the importance and functionality of historical jobs within the context of Unific’s services, offering insights into how businesses can leverage this process for better customer understanding and engagement.


Next up: Hubspot UTK Tracking with Unific