Looking to sync Newsletter subscriber's to ActiveCampaign? With Revenue Conduit, you can keep track of all customers in ActiveCampaign who initially said that they "Accept Marketing" during your checkout process.
We do not offer support for our ActiveCampaign Marketing System outside of this Knowledge Base documentation. All Marketing System functionality is built off of standard ActiveCampaign functionality. You can view our full Level of Service Agreement, here.
By default, most shopping cart setups have a checkbox of some type during checkout to specify whether they accept future marketing. You might have the checkbox phrased in terms of, "Subscribe to Our Newsletter", or something like that.
Auto-Generated ActiveCampaign Field
Revenue Conduit automatically generates an ActiveCampaign Field called Accepts Marketing as a Yes/No Dropdown inside of your ActiveCampaign account.

Here's ActiveCampaign's Documentation on Custom Field Management
Auto-Associated Settings in Revenue Conduit
Inside of Revenue Conduit's Admin Settings under the Customer Group Settings header, Revenue Conduit also automatically associates this checkbox in your Shopping Cart with this 'Accepts Marketing' Field we created inside of your ActiveCampaign account.

Here's our article on our Settings Page Overview
Managing Your Subscriber Lists
Once we've synced customers into ActiveCampaign with this 'Yes' then you can manage their email subscription inside of ActiveCampaign using ActiveCampaign's built-in email preference and list management tools.