Magento 2.x

How to request a partial historical for Magento 2

Follow the 3 steps below to request a partial historical.

1. Export Order Data

Log in to the Magento store database.

  • Add from_date and to_date to the below query in date format "yyyy-MM-dd". e.g. 2023-01-17
  • Run this query to get order id's -
    SELECT entity_id FROM sales_order WHERE DATE(created_at) >= "{from_date}" AND DATE(created_at) <= "{to_date}";
  • Export order id's to csv and send to Unific.

2. Export Customer Data

  • Login to Magento 2 store admin.
  • Go to Customers -> All Customers.
  • Click on Filters and set from and to Customer Since date and Apply filters.

  • Export filtered data in csv.

  • Keep only ID column and remove other columns from exported csv.
  • Send csv to Unific.

3. Send a Historical Request to Unific 

Use the steps in this article to request a historical data sync.

Remember to mention that this is a partial historical request in the comments section of the Historical request form.