Revenue Conduit: Features & Settings

Miscellaneous Settings

Miscellaneous Settings is a section in Revenue Conduit at the bottom of the Settings tab in the menu.

Newsletter TAG ID - accepts a tag ID from Infusionsoft as a value. When a customer signs up or orders and indicates that they want to be added to a newsletter, then this tag will be applied to the corresponding contact in Infusionsoft.

There is a longer explanation for how this feature works HERE

Enabling the two settings below are only relevant if you use the Infusionsoft storefront in addition to your shopping cart platform: 

Hide Products by Default - By default, products uploaded to Infusionsoft by Revenue Conduit will be visible in the Infusionsoft store. If Hide Products by Default is checked, Revenue Conduit will instead mark the products as "hidden" by default in the Infusionsoft store. This is in case the Infusionsoft shopping cart is being used in addition to the external shopping cart.

Make Products Inactive by Default - By default, products uploaded to Infusionsoft by Revenue Conduit will be made active in the Infusionsoft store. If Make Products Inactive by Default is checked, Revenue Conduit will instead mark the products as "Inactive" by default in the Infusionsoft store. This is in case the Infusionsoft shopping cart is being used in addition to the external shopping cart.