Wondering what RFM means? This stands for Recency, Frequency and Monetary values. Revenue Conduit will determine how recently someone has purchased, the number of times they have bought as well as calculate the total amount of money spent.
RFM Fields
Account Creation Date – Type: Date Picker - The date of the account creation is stored. (Ex. The account was created on 5/12/2016.)
Average Days Between Orders – Type: Number - The average days between orders made by the customers is stored. (Ex. The average days between the orders is 2 days, so every 2 days there will be orders).
Average Order Value – Type: Number - The average order value made by the customer is stored. (Ex. Customer no.1 has an average order value of $250).
First Order Date – Type: Date Picker - The first order date of the customer is stored from the time you signed up in RC up to today. (Ex. The date 5/12/2016 where the customer made its first order).
First Order Value – Type: Number - The first order value of the customer is stored from the time you signed up in RC up to today. (Ex. The first order value of customer no.1 is $150.00).
Last Order Date – Type: Date Picker - The last order date of the customer is stored from the time you signed up in RC up to today. (Ex. The date 5/12/2016 where the customer made its last order).
Last Order Value – Type: Number - The last order value of the customer is stored from the time you signed up in RC up to today. (Ex. The last order value of customer no.1 is $150.00).
Total Number of Orders – Type: Number - The total number of orders made by the customer is stored. (Ex. Customer no.1 has 29 orders).
Total Value of Orders – Type: Number - The total value of orders made by the customer is stored. (Ex. Customer no.1 has a total of $1500.00 value of orders).