Infusionsoft Dashboards and Saved Searches
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Infusionsoft Saved Search: RFM - All Data

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RFM Fields

Account Creation DateType: Date Picker - The date of the account creation is stored. (Ex. The account was created on 5/12/2016.)

Average Days Between OrdersType: Number - The average days between orders made by the customers is stored. (Ex. The average days between the orders is 2 days, so every 2 days there will be orders).

Average Order ValueType: Number - The average order value made by the customer is stored. (Ex. Customer no.1 has an average order value of $250).

First Order DateType: Date Picker - The first order date of the customer is stored from the time you signed up in RC up to today. (Ex. The date 5/12/2016 where the customer made its first order).

First Order ValueType: Number - The first order value of the customer is stored from the time you signed up in RC up to today. (Ex. The first order value of customer no.1 is $150.00).

Last Order DateType: Date Picker - The last order date of the customer is stored from the time you signed up in RC up to today. (Ex. The date 5/12/2016 where the customer made its last order).

Last Order ValueType: Number - The last order value of the customer is stored from the time you signed up in RC up to today. (Ex. The last order value of customer no.1 is $150.00).

Total Number of OrdersType: Number - The total number of orders made by the customer is stored. (Ex. Customer no.1 has 29 orders).

Total Value of OrdersType: Number - The total value of orders made by the customer is stored. (Ex. Customer no.1 has a total of $1500.00 value of orders).