Infusionsoft Platform Connections

Get Infusionsoft Connected to Revenue Conduit

Upon signing up for Revenue Conduit, you will be prompted to connect your marketing platform.  In the event that this step is skipped during the initial signup, you can still go in and manually connect by logging into the Revenue Conduit admin portal (you will be sent an email after signup asking you to activate your account using the email address and password created during the initial signup).

Once logged into the admin panel, you will see the dashboard and a tab right underneath that says add application.

  1. Click on "Add Application"
  2. Select "Connect to a Marketing Platform"
  3. Click on the Infusionsoft logo
  4. You will then be directed to the login page for Infusionsoft
    Enter your Infusionsoft login credentials
  5. Once you have done this successfully, you will receive confirmation that your marketing platform has been successfully connected.

Re-connect existing Infusionsoft application

  1. Login into the Revenue Conduit admin portal.
  2. Click on "Connect Shop".
  3. Click on "Re-Connect Infusionsoft Account" link in the "Infusionsoft Details" section.
  4. You will then be directed to the login page for Infusionsoft
    Enter your Infusionsoft login credentials.
  5. Once you have done this successfully, you will receive confirmation that your marketing platform has been successfully connected.