Tips for using Line Items in HubSpot Workflows, Lists and Reports

Associated "Line Items" can be tricky to use. This article shares some tips and examples.

HubSpot's "line items" on Deals and other objects are a way for HubSpot to record what products the customer wants as part of that Deal (Order or Abandoned carts/Checkouts).

What is a line item?

A line item is a clone of a HubSpot Product which is copied to the deal in addition to the custom property mappings Unific might have from the actual line items from the Order or Checkout.

In other words, a Line Item is a copy of a product, but with additional data from the order, or checkout instance.


Abandoned cart workflow to exclude abandoned carts that have a specific product.

This example workflow excludes any deals that are in checkout pending or abandoned deal stages in ecommerce pipeline AND and have one or more line items that have specific products SKUs.

The key part to understand here is that we selected "Deal is associated to Any Line Item" AND "associated line item has all of ..." 

This means we are querying for associated in items of the Deal that don't have a specific product SKU.


List of deals that have line items where a specific variant SKU was bought


Report that shows all the Contacts who bought specific Variants 

Note the filter shows "Line Items


When making the above report, you will need to select some data sources. Here's my data sources screen