How Unific Works

Hubspot deal pipeline and stage mappings for all carts

How Unific maps orders to deal stages and customization options

There are two types of order status to deal stage mappings:

  1. Default Order Status to Deal Stage Mappings
  2. Configurable Order Status to Deal Stage Mappings

Default Order Status to Deal Stage Mappings

Default deal stage mappings sends deals to the "Ecommerce Pipeline" with default deal stage settings below. 

Default mappings per cart

  1. BigCommerce
  2. Magento 2
  3. Shopify
  4. WooCommerce

Diagram of default order statuses to deal stages


Default order statuses mapped to HubSpot deal stages



1. Incomplete - Mapped to deal stage "Checkout Completed"
2. Pending - Mapped to deal stage "Checkout Completed"
3. Shipped - Mapped to deal stage Shipped.
4. Partially Shipped - Mapped to deal stage Processed.
5. Refunded - Mapped to deal stage Cancelled.
6. Cancelled - Mapped to deal stage Cancelled.
8. Awaiting Payment - Mapped to deal stage "Checkout Completed"
9. Awaiting Pickup - Mapped to deal stage Processed.
10. Awaiting Shipment - Mapped to deal stage Processed.
11. Completed - Mapped to deal stage Shipped.
12. Awaiting Fulfillment - Mapped to deal stage Processed.
13. Manual Verification Required - Mapped to deal stage "Checkout Completed"
14. Disputed - Mapped to deal stage "Checkout Completed"
15. Partially Refunded - Mapped to deal stage "Checkout Completed"


Magento 2:

1. Processing - Mapped to deal stage "Checkout Completed".
2. Suspected Fraud - Mapped to deal stage "Checkout Completed".
3. Pending Payment - Mapped to deal stage "Checkout Completed".
4. Payment Review - Mapped to deal stage "Checkout Completed".
5. Pending - Mapped to deal stage "Checkout Completed".
6. On Hold - Mapped to deal stage "Checkout Completed".
7. Open - Mapped to deal stage "Checkout Completed".
8. Complete - Mapped to deal stage Shipped.
9. Closed - Mapped to deal stage Shipped.
10. Canceled - Mapped to deal stage Cancelled.
11. PayPal Canceled Reversal - Mapped to deal stage Processed.
12. Pending PayPal - Mapped to deal stage "Checkout Completed".
13. PayPal Reversed - Mapped to deal stage Cancelled.



1. pending - Mapped to deal stage "Checkout Completed". But if fulfillment Status is fulfilled or shipped then mapped to deal stage Shipped.
2. partially_paid - Mapped to deal stage processed. But if fulfillment Status is fulfilled or shipped then mapped to deal stage Shipped.
3. paid - Mapped to deal stage processed. But if fulfillment Status is fulfilled or shipped then mapped to deal stage Shipped.
4. partially_refunded - Mapped to deal stage processed. But if fulfillment Status is fulfilled or shipped then mapped to deal stage Shipped.
5. refunded - Mapped to deal stage Cancelled.
6. voided - Mapped to deal stage Cancelled.
7. authorized - Mapped to deal stage "Checkout Completed".


1. pending - Mapped to deal stage "Checkout Completed".
2. processing - Mapped to deal stage "Checkout Completed".
3. on-hold - Mapped to deal stage "Checkout Completed".
4. completed - Mapped to deal stage Shipped.
5. cancelled - Mapped to deal stage Cancelled.
6. refunded - Mapped to deal stage Cancelled.
7. failed - Mapped to deal stage "Checkout Completed".
8. trash - Mapped to deal stage "Checkout Completed".

Configurable Order Status to Deal Stage Mappings

With Unific or Quotic CPQ you are able to customize the deal stages based on the order statuses. Your sales process may differ from defaults, so these settings allow you to customize your deal stages based on the way your business works.

Configurable order status to deal stage mappings are only available on Unific Advanced plans. See Unific pricing page for details.


Custom order statuses for Magento 2 and BigCommerce

Magento 2 and BigCommerce allow you to set up custom order statuses. The order status to deal stage mappings feature lets you set your own custom order statuses and define how the deal stages map to that mapping


Shopify Draft order status mapping to deal stages

Shopify Draft order statuses can also be mapped to deal stage pipelines. 

Multi store: Sync deals into a different pipelines depending on the store

If you have multiple stores, and you need to sync to a different deal pipeline and stage depending on which store the order comes from, you may configure the deal stages and pipelines for each connection separately.

This is possible as long as the store is connected through a separate Unific connection. For Shopify, BigCommerce and WooCommerce this is simple to do.

For Magento 2 this only works if it's a different store rather than a store front.

This is not possible for multiple storefronts in Magento 2. If you need this for Magento 2 multiple store fronts, please contact our support.