HubSpot Platform Connections

Add us as an admin user to your HubSpot account

If you are looking to have a historical data import completed and audited it is recommended that we have access to your account. It is imperative that you provide super admin access if you need us to connect the account for you.

To provide regular admin access do this:

  1. Log into your Hubspot account, click on the cog next to your name
  2. Click on Users & Teams link on the left navigation
  3. Click on the Create User button at the top right of the screen
  4. Enter in the information for the new user *Enter the email address as 
  5. Click the Admin Tab and set it to ON
  6. Click Next 
  7. Click Send so that we are notified that we have been added

To Set us up with Super Admin level permissions, you will need to do this after you complete the first portion of admin access:

  1. Click on Users & Teams link under Settings
  2. Click the name of the user to make edits
  3. Click the Actions dropdown menu, then select Make super admin.
  4. Click Save.