
Custom Field Mapping

How Unific's feature of custom property mapping works.

If you would like properties to be synced to a different field in your HubSpot portal from your store, Unific can help you get that set up.

For Shopify/WooCommerce/BigCommerce customers:

  1. Log into app.unific.com and click on the data sync tab on the top left.

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  2. If it doesn't automatically open to the "configure data sync" tab, open up that tab.
  3. Fill in the fields under "Advanced Property Mappings" with how you would like your custom field mapping set up.

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  4. Congrats! You're all set.

For Magento 2 customers:

  1. Since some changes need to be made in the backend for Magento custom mapping, please contact support@unific.com with some helpful details:
    1. the Magento properties
    2. the HubSpot properties you want those mapped to
    3. the email you use to connect to Unific
  2. We'll get back to you as soon as possible and help you get your custom field mapping set up!