Magento FAQ: REST API Calls Unific makes to the Magento 2 Store

Listed are the REST API endpoints from default Magento 2 and the Magento Unific Connector

  1. Connection (Unific Connector):
    Method: POST, API Endpoint: /rest/V1/unific/connect
    To generate a connection between the Magento store and Unific. It exchanges the Unific Integration Id from Unific for the HMAC from the store. Unific also get the categories, products, customers, and orders count.

  2. Historical Entities Count (Unific Connector):
    Method: POST, API Endpoints:
    To get the total entities count of each entity so that Unific can anticipate the historical process.

  3. Start Historical full/partial (Unific Connector):
    Method: POST, API Endpoints:
    To start the historical process to download all/entity-wise existing data from store to Unific.

  4. Store Configs:
    Method: GET, API Endpoint: /rest/V1/store/storeConfigs
    To generate the Product URLs and Image URLs for Products Bought and Abandoned Cart product information.

  5. Download Products:
    Method: GET, API Endpoint: /rest/V1/products
    To download the missing products (order line items) of order if historical was not done or if the product does not exist with Unific for other reasons.

  6. Generate Sales Rules:
    Method: POST, API Endpoint: /rest/V1/salesRules
    To create the sales rules in the Magento store the configuration of which will be set in the Unific account's Coupon Generator section.

  7. Generate Coupon Codes:
    Method: POST, API Endpoint: /rest/V1/coupons
    To generate the coupon codes under the sales rule for each request for coupon code generation.